The First Cycle: Hospitalis Chapter One: Foreign Devil GrahamsBloggerNovelTemplate
The Latelian Cycle Volume One: Foreign Devil

Who is Garth N'Chalez? For starters, he's spent the last ten thousand years in suspended animation.

Beyond his name and a few other uninteresting bits of info (the lyrics to pop music thousands of years out of date and a terrible craving for French Fries), Garth is an enigma to himself and everyone around him. He's spent the last five years of his life in the employ of a covert ops group called Special Forces, where his job was to sow dissent and reap planets ... but that's changed.

He's paid his debt to society (far quicker than anyone could have ever imagined by inventing gravnetic generators -a source of near limitless power capable of producing virtually impregnable shields), and is on the hunt for an answer to a dream:

Every time Garth N'Chalez closes his eyes, he dreams of a ship, a ship that he needs to find if he's to understand just what in the hell is going on with him. You see, in addition to being a figure from the ancient past, he's also stronger and faster than he has any right to be, and without any indications that he's been tampered with. He also has the unshakable feeling that he's supposed to be doing something ...

His journey will take him to Latelyspace, the last known non-Trinity occupied sector in the universe. The Latelians have Garth's ship, and they have no intentions of letting him get to it; the ship, or Box, as they call it, is the central figure in a systemic fighting championship known as The Contest, and there is no way they'd willingly let a foreign devil touch their Number One Icon.

Garth is forced to think on his feet at every turn or he'll find himself eaten alive by the xenophobic technocracy that exists in Latelyspace.

FOREIGN DEVIL focuses on Garth's first week on the planet, where he will be braced by a high-ranking government official for some dark ops work in return for the right to continue breathing, he'll find himself the target of a rampant gang of thugs known as The Port Side Boys who want him dead for some reason they can't be bothered to explain, the focus of a Trinityspace businessman's ire, and on top of all that, he'll eventually become the first non-Latelian ever allowed to fight in the real Contest.

Garth is willing to do whatever it takes to complete his mission, even if that means opening their Box on systemic television, and heaven take the consequences.


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